Saturday, June 13, 2009

No Longer Toothless!!

Selah now has two teeth!! The first tooth was discovered at youth group on Sunday. One moment she was playing with my hand and the next she was biting my finger! I was shocked when I felt something sharp as she bit down! By Wednesday the whole top of the tooth was visible. Now she has two of them poking up!

That said, this week has been VERY interesting! Selah has been very needy, which is really not her personality. She does not want me to leave her side all day long. Which really makes it difficult to get anything done. She was really fussy at the beginning of the week. Even though it was hard on me I tried to be extremely patient with her. I know that she did not know what was going on and why she had a constant pain in her mouth. I tried to give her teething tablets but she was just out of sorts. Things seem to be better now. Yesterday she was back to her old self.

I think that I tend to take for granted how wonderful of a baby she is. Then when she has a bad day, which is never really that bad, I realize that my days with her really are very easy. She likes to lay on the ground and play with her toys or talk to herself. She really is a very low maintenance baby. I am so blessed by her.

Yesterday I was thinking about her new teeth and her rapid development. Everything seems to be going by so fast. She is only five months old and while she is not really rolling over on a regular basis (something I thought she would be doing by now), she is sitting up on her own very well for extended periods of time. She has her two little teeth and seems to be developing more and more each day. They say that time flies by but I never expected her to be changing so much so quickly. It really does feel like I am going to turn around and she is going to be walking and talking. I just did not realize how much it really does fly by. That said, things are bitter-sweet in the Kelly house. We are so excited to watch her grow and develop but feel that is going by a lot faster than we expected. I cherish each moment I have with her. I know that before I know it Selah will be all grown up!

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