Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Finally getting high tech!!!

I have been convinced!! I finally decided to tackle a blog!! I am going to try to keep this blog current so that everyone can keep up with Selah Lee!!!

Selah is the beautiful baby girl of Jeremy and Cassondra Kelly. She was born on January 3rd, 2009 at 1:03 am. She happend to come on her great-grandfather's birthday...that was VERY exciting!!! Selah was 7lbs 12oz and was 21.5 inches long!

We are still getting our schedules straight! Selah was wide awake last night at about 3:30 am. We did eventually get her to sleep. You always hear that sleep will be hard to come by with a new baby but I never would have thought that I would be this sleep deprived!! People keep telling me that she will eventually sleep through the night....that seems so far away at this point!

Selah has already grown so much!! She is almost out of her "newborn" outfits. I am not sure how much longer she will be able to wear her 0-3 month clothes. She seems to be getting longer and longer each day! Her little hands and feet have even grown! I don't think that she will be able to wear any outfit for very long. It seems that we will be buying clothes very frequently!


  1. It looks great Cass! I know everyone will be thrilled to follow along in Selah's life.

  2. Jeremy and Cass, this is such a fun way to chronicle Selah's life. All my friends w/ young ones are doing it and I love checking in to see the new pictures and how life is. I can't wait to meet Selah and maybe babysit???

  3. I am glad you got a blog!! :) It will be great to follow Selah's life!
