Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Kelly Family Blog

So, I was told that this blog needs to be updated more regularly (information I already was aware of) and that it needed to be about the three of us Kelly's. So....I want to say sorry to all of our faithful blog followers...I really am going to try to update this more frequently....we will see how that goes!

Anyway, there is a lot going on with our family right now. Most of you know that Jeremy and I are both out of work. We are spending our days getting our house ready to sell and trying to figure out how things are going to work financially for us over the next couple of months. We are in the interview process with a church that we really believe is where the Lord is leading us. The church is New Hope and it is in NC. (www.newhopenc.org check it out) As of right now, it does not seem that there are any other prospects for a job.

I can't speak for Jeremy, but as for me, I have such faith that God is going to prove himself faithful to us during this time of waiting. I am so excited to see how He provides for us. A few weeks before Jeremy decided to resign the Lord really started speaking to my heart about how He is my provider. I know that was not a coincidence. I believe that He started showing me these things so that I would have the strength and faith to get through this time. I know that Jeremy and I are going to come out of this experience with a great testimony of how our God provides for our every need.

On a lighter note, Selah is growing more and more. I can't believe that this little girl is my baby! She is getting bigger and smarter every day. She continues to love to dance and sing. She says the words "momma", "dadda", and "up". The jury is still out on whether or not she actually knows what the word "up" means. However, she really likes to say it. She still does not crawl but she scoots on her bottom very well. She has also started to stand on her own and has tried to pull up on the furniture. Overall, she is still very content sitting on the floor playing with her toys or mommy and daddy. The most exciting thing to me has been her love of books. She loves to listen to Jeremy and I read her stories. If she is upest, a book will calm her down. When she is playing by herself she flips the pages of whatever book she has and looks at all of the pages.